Welcome to the mathematics department.
The Mathematics department is one of the key departments in the school.
Very able members of the department include;
Head of Department
Mr. Dennis Mugendi
Mr. Dennis Mugendi |
H.O.D |
Mathematics |
Mr. Jesse Njuguna |
Member |
Mathematics |
Mr. Ayub Adongo. |
Member |
Mathematics |
Madam Lilian Muhonja |
Member |
Mathematics |
Activities in the department include;
1. Internal weekly math contest.
2. Internal annual math contest.
3. External math contest. This is termly, based on the invitations that the school receives from other schools. On the same note, the school has always participated in the mathlete held annually in Moi High School-Kabarak which is sponsored by Brookside dairies.
During the COVID-19 period, virtual continued uninterrupted until Form 4s reported back to school. It is continuing for the forms 1, 2 and 3. It is a success story. We started with Zoom lessons and later upgraded to very efficient Google Classroom. This enabled our learners to continue learning even when at home.
In the school, we have subject rooms, and mathematics has two, one senior for forms 3 and 4 and the other junior for forms 1 and 2. Each is well-equipped with teaching aids that facilitate learning.
The school has continued to perform well in the national examination over the last three years as shown below and we hope to perform even better in the coming years.
Year |
2019 |
2018 |
2017 |
Mean score |
6.6 |
6.3 |
5.83 |
Finally, the department thanks the Board of trustee, the Board of Management, and the senior management team for their continued support. Provision of adequate teaching aids and ensure student to book ratio is maintained at 1:1