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8:00 am to 5:00 pm

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The school Captain.


The most commonly known prefects system in Secondary schools in Kenya has been advanced in VGGS by a structure of the Students’ Leaders Council. It is a well-structured body of students who have been elected by others to serve them in different dockets in the school.
Our system is a progressive one meaning that a leader can climb up the ladder into a higher position based on her performance.
The management dockets run by the student council capture areas such as the Dining Hall, Library, Classes, and Laboratories and Homes.
V.G.G.S. has been at the forefront of advocating for the democratization process in Leadership. Election is held once a year to replace the senior most school captains who exit school after writing their K.C.S.E. exams. Interested candidates are encouraged to apply for the vacant post and a vetting exercise is normally carried out by our electoral team. Voting is normally through the ballot system.
To distinguish our Leaders from the rest, all the School captains are downed in Blazers, Deputy School captains have Green Pullovers and the prefects have green ties.
V.G.G.S. has strived to empower its Leaders through training sessions and participation in Student conference workshops whenever invited to do so. Such sessions have seen our students get more Leadership skills and gain confidence in handling issues with the rest. They have been able to excel out of V.G.G.S. by securing Leadership positions in colleges and other tertiary Institutions.

  • Student Leadership
    Student Leadership

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VGGS is a compassionate, focused and motivated community, in which all staff and students work hard and support each other. Truth, integrity and humility are central to everyday living following the example set by Christ.