Opening Hours

8:00 am to 5:00 pm

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+254 727-094-386

Rongai Town

P.O Box 14-20108

Boarding Section


In Vanessa Grant Girls’ School, the boarding department is very important as it deals with students. It aims at ensuring a conducive environment for the students to enable them to achieve their goals.


Our school has outstanding purpose-built boarding facilities where students live in cubicles that create a home away from home environment. The cubicles are spacious enough that 8 girls share one. They are provided with lockers for their items. There are four homes, namely Kiplombe, Londiani, Tabot and Visoi each under the care of Home mistresses who are teachers assisted by the school matron. Each Home has two captains and a prefect who work hand in hand with the Home Mistresses to ensure the beauty and splendour of the hostel is maintained. The students steered by the prefects and matron maintain high standards of cleanliness, hygiene and order in the homes.

                                                                                                             MRS. JOYCE OKOTH
                                                                                                           BOARDING MISTRESS.


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VGGS is a compassionate, focused and motivated community, in which all staff and students work hard and support each other. Truth, integrity and humility are central to everyday living following the example set by Christ.